We always drive a ground rod at the genny. Depending on if single or multi station, we will either run a single genny with a back-up or in tandem.
Harbor freight generator portable#
Occasionally, operate with friends on portable "off-grid" events and we use their Honda 2000i/2200i units. The onboard genny is too RF noisy to use with the radios. The batteries and solar panels provide plenty of power for single radio, weekend, portable operation. I typically operate HF portable in the Sierra mountains "Zero Noise Land" from the 325ah battery bank on my RV. I might still get one of the Harbor Freight Generators for use at field day and stuff, but not before my achin' wallet recovers from the cost of getting that Generac put in.
Harbor freight generator generator#
I didn't because when my XYL heard about my plans she said that she wanted a big natural gas powered standby generator that would run the whole house and shack. Most people are unlikely to run one often or for long periods-Field Day would be about it. Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, it's much the same as the similar Honda generators, and puts out current more than good enough to run a 12-volt power supply, a laptop, and a nice mini-fridge. But even if there had been, frankly, there's enough noise out in the suburbs these days that one S-unit or so (as with generator you tested) wouldn't be overly noticeable. I've witnessed it in operation and didn't notice a jump in the noise floor. One of my buddies has the Predator and is happy with it. In my opinion, the Wen 2000 was not suitable for HF operation and it was returned. The interference amplitude could be increased/decreased by coiling the AC cord or varying the length, laying in an "S" pattern, etc. 80' elevation and 100' feet closest distance to the AC cord and 200' from the generator. The receive antenna was a 80m doublet at approx. The interference frequency and amplitude would not change when the Wen 2000 was connected and powering the radio via an Anton PSU. When tested on a flex 6300 radio with a Dunestar 600 filter pack on 80/40/20m, the noise floor would increase a minimum 10dB without any connection to the radio. If it was running without any AC cords attached, the signal was clean, but the connection of any length of AC cord (tested between 25' and 100 feet) radiated RF.Even tried several types of line filters at the generator before connecting to the AC distro. I have previously tested a Wen 2000 inverter generator on HF frequencies and it caused significant interference. Harbor Freight parking lot sale tomorrow $439. 77 replies and not a single comment on HF operation and interference testing by a Predator 2000w owner? Does no one own the Predator 2000w or does no one want to admit that it is a great unit or was a waste of money?